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Frank Joyce talks in Linz about Detroit. Watch the video:

A better world is possible. So is a worse one. Which will we get? Finding the proper focus is itself a challenge.
... maybe we don?t need "jobs" at all. Maybe instead of scurrying around to create "jobs" as defined for the last 100 years we should start by taking a different tack altogether. As it always has been and as it always will be, there are plenty of things that need to be done -- growing food, moving people and goods around, teaching young people what they need to know, manufacturing various kinds of stuff, curing sick people and so on. But the 20th century "jobs" method of connecting those needs to individuals, families and communities has been seriously out of whack for quite some time.

Frank Joyce
The life long political activism of Frank Joyce began with the civil rights movement. Joyce has worked in factories, retail establishments and a number of media organizations. He has won journalism awards in print, radio and television.. He was a member of the UAW International Union staff for eighteen years, He is active in building the emerging New Work/New Culture movement in Detroit and elsewhere.
Joyce is president of the board of The Working Group (TWG), a non-profit media production company that supports the anti-hate movement Not In Our Town (NIOT) and Not In Our Schools (NIOS). .
His writing is published at AlterNet ( and elsewhere. His book, co-edited with Karin Aguilar-San Juan, The People Make The Peace, Lessons From The Vietnam Anti-War Movement, will be published by Just World Press in September, 2015.

Montag, 18. Mai 2015, 20:00 at Raumschiff Hauptplatz 5, 4020 Linz

In Cooperation with urbanize! Linz, Raumschiff, Otelo and Kulturinstitut an der JKU

Links:   What will happen to Detroit? Frank Joyce, Michigan Political & Labor Activist joins Thom Hartmann. (Youtube) |