EXCHANGE RADICAL MOMENTS! Live Art Festival A Brandnew Europe Wide Festival Format
EXCHANGE RADICAL MOMENTS! breaks into our daily routine. Live Art projects meeting us in the middle of our every day life, interrupt the usual routines and unbalances us, hold, pause.
Live art challenges us on site and online via live streams: Are we ready to engage extraordinary moments of exchange?
On the 11/11/11 the festival takes place across the European continent, simultaneously in 11 cities: Berlin, Bitola, Chisinau, Linz, Liverpool, London, Paris, Prag, Riga, Słubfurt, Stockholm.
Somewhere at the nexus of theater, performance, art in public spaces and intervention is the site that this festival has staked out.
Videodocu English (25'25")
This work program has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
A follow up project from Linz09, supported by BMUKK (Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts an Culture), Land OÖ (Upper Austrian Provincial Government), Stadt Linz (City of Linz), KKA KulturKontakt Austria,